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Interlock Defeat


2A3 Protect and Beam Dump Water Flow interlocks
Implementation: Number:
2024-07-05 17:15:00 2024-363

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
18 days

As explained by Carla Babcock, Water Flow trips are being caused by TM3 High Voltage sparks, not actual water flow. Defeated devices (5) are 2A3BD-WFS1, 2A3DSP-WFS2, 2A3TANK-WFS1, 2A3W1-WFS1, 2A3COL-WFS1.


DCR defeats board, Rack 5B - ISAC electrical room

Rack 5B ISAC Elec Room. Protect pin 2 (tank wfs1), pin 4 (window wfs1), pin 13 (col wfs1) and Dump pin 1 (BD wfs1), pin 7 (DSP wfs2)

Device Thermocouples. Long term solution to come. Defeat bypasses to be removed after this target run is finished on July 23, 2024 as requested by Friedhelm Ames.


Eric Chapman: 2024-07-05 18:04:36.942221
BL2A3_WATERTEMP plothist and xstrip set up and running on cyccon10_2 screen to monitor temperatures of bypassed interlocks.