Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v2.0 (Driver)
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Interlock Defeat


EGUN:INTRF interlocks bypassed
Implementation: Number:
2024-08-19 12:38:00 2024-425

Brandon Humphries

Estimated Duration:
2 days

To allow for turning on the EGUN RF amplifier for RF tests on the EGUN RF tuner (EGUN:RFTUN) with the E-Hall open (therefore EGUN:BIAS HV off).


1- On cork board in back of DCR

1- On safety system box on E-LINAC side of the DCR

Interlocks bypassed through the Bypass/Force utility in EPICS. The EGUN RF amplifier is on the E-Hall roof in MAC-EHR-010.

The EGUN:INTRF interlocks are for machine safety to prevent beam spills, but with the E-Hall open the EGUN:BIAS can't be turned on and therefore no risk of beam spills.
