Safety |
BL2C Ignition key removed due to STF Not Operational |
Implementation: | Number: |
2024-09-10 15:55:00 | 2024-453 |
David Bandiera |
Frank Hosta |
Removed |
Est. Duration: 4 weeks |
STF Not Operational. |
STF approved to run by Facility Coordinator |
1 |
1) BL2C Ignition Key |
Ignition key removed from console to Ops key cabinet |
Ex2C set to blank position (no foil) and Extraction Probe is disabled by CSS and cannot be enabled. |
C2024-09-10-18 |
Travis Kurucz: 2024-10-06 09:53:50.53873
Disable *temporarily* removed for PIF run from 1000 to 1600 Oct 6. Approved by Roxanne. No roof access to be granted while run in process.