Safety |
Cyclotron ignition key locked out |
Implementation: | Number: |
2025-01-10 10:01:00 | 2025-23 |
Eric Chapman |
Active |
Est. Duration: 16 weeks |
VIB-024 signal pinned at I0104 (df #2025-22). ISIS Vacuum PLC work ongoing, CSS unable to verify VIB-024 position. |
Verification that ISIS beamstops 127, 165, Fast target, VIB-024 or their new counterparts are commissioned and reading properly by the safety system. Consult Kevin Ardron prior to cyclotron startup. |
2 |
1-DCR defeats board, 2-Cyclotron ignition key. |
Cyclotron ignition key locked out. |
Cyclotron ignition key is no longer in the console. WCP remains functional, inserted and is under OPS control. |