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Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat


Beam Loss HV signal in the MPS FSD
Implementation: Number:
2023-06-30 14:15:00 2023-367

Brandon Humphries

Estimated Duration:
2 weeks

The logic for the BLM_OK signal (labelled "Beam Loss HV" on FSD page) had a condition that monitored the EGUN:BIAS HV signal. If this signal was NOT OK, it would ignore the BLM settings and just show as OKAY. This resulted in confusion and an E-Fault today.


1-On ESS panel

1-On cork board in the back of the DCR

Keiko (Controls) changed the calculation of BLM_OK on the ELMPS01IOC to ignore the EGUN:BIAS HV status. The BLM_OK calculation expression was changed from: "(K?A&B&C:1)&J" to "A&B&C&J". Keiko also noted that this is a temporary fix and will revert back if the IOC is rebooted.

This change was discussed with and approved by the head of commissioning. The defeat will remain in place for a couple weeks until the EGUN:BIAS HV condition can be discussed with the Controls group member who wrote the calculation. The updated calculation was tested to properly show the status of the BLM settings (e-log entry 2023-06-30 13:55:02 and thread). No alternate protection is required as the signal more accurately displays the intended status now.

