Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat


STF Ion Exchanger Return Resistivity pinned at STF BYP 010
Implementation: Number:
2023-08-17 02:45:00 2023-466

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
1 weeks

PLCData error coming through after meter replacement yesterday. Requested to pin the signal to run beam.


DCR, SAB2 STF interlock racks.

STF BYP-010 pinned

Target Cooling Return Resistivity is nominal, monitored in DCR.

Eric Chapman: 2023-08-17 02:47:22.733808
When resistivity goes full scale on these meters they generate a PLC data error, generating a nuisance trip. STF supply resistivity very good at 12MOhm*cm.