Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat

Ion sources and injection BL

Cryo 147 Gate valve temperature interlock
Implementation: Number:
2023-08-31 23:30:00 2023-494

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
5 days

Failure of neighbouring cryopump 128 caused degradation of ISIS beamline vacuum, limiting injected current due to elevated losses on skimmer 4. Discussion with Tim S weeks ago was that cryo 147 could be bypassed if required to regain vacuum in ISIS due to poor performance of cryo 165.


DCR defeats board

EPICS window for IB:GV147CYP, next to the temp ok interlock, under the "b" for bypass.

Will trip beam on losses if cryo warms up. Watch vacuum on IG155, if it starts to worsen or cryo 147 warms up manually close GV147. Plots running on CYCCON10.

Kevin Lucow: 2023-09-14 12:22:23.984555
Defeat superseded by 2023-508.