Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat

Ion sources and injection BL

ISIS beam loss trip limit increased to 30uA
Implementation: Number:
2023-11-17 14:30:00 2023-609

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
1 weeks

ISIS beam loss trip limit increased to 30uA. Increased spills in ISIS due to suspected vacuum issues. Nominal trip point 20uA.


CYCCON02 and DCR defeats board.

XT page 7H, IB thumbwheel 416 set point.

Trip still occurs at higher value.

Kevin Lucow: 2023-11-22 07:11:38.390138
ISIS vacuum leak (Fault 16523) repaired (C2023-11-21-6).