Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat

Fire Alarm System

IAMI L1, B1 & B2 smoke detectors, Zone 2 & 1 in test mode IAMI bells disabled.
Implementation: Number:
2024-01-15 08:45:00 2024-33

Robin Swanson

Riley Schick-Martin
Estimated Duration:
8 hours

Smoke detectors 13:075-001 through 004, 13;075-013 through 019, 13:075-034 through 045 and 13:075-086 through 089 disarmed for the day for cutting and re-welding of nuclear exhaust ducting.

Zone 2 & 1 placed into test mode for 8hrs (Zone 1 due to fault 16544) and bells disarmed in IAMI building for sprinkler demolition on B2 level. (see comment section of WP)



MCR FAS graphics

Area occupied, fire watch.


Riley Schick-Martin: 2024-01-15 13:50:50.038168
Work under pending WP #M2024-01-12--1 also requires this defeat until end of day Jan 15.