Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat

Fire Alarm System

IAMI smoke detectors and bell circutis.
Implementation: Number:
2024-02-14 08:15:00 2024-105

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
8 hours

Detectors 13:075-001 to 004, 13:075-013 to 019, and 13:075-086 to 089 disabled.



FAS Graphics Terminal.

Fire watch. Workers in area.

Eric Chapman: 2024-02-14 08:09:53.189102
Bell circuit not disarmed. I don't know why we've been disarming the bells with the associated IAMI defeat. If someone pulls a manual pull station or if an alarm is generated (even by mistake) the bells should still annunciate alerting occupants to evacuate. ...also it's FAS bell circuit testing today.