Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v2.0 (Driver)
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Interlock Defeat

Fire Alarm System

13:075-067 Grnd -Hot Lab Sprinkler
Implementation: Number:
2024-09-30 04:02:00 2024-471

Elena Bylinskaia

Estimated Duration:
3 days

Devise went into trouble state, given us constant trouble notification.



FAS graphics panel

Fire watch.

Kevin Lucow: 2024-10-27 00:31:34.639
Device found re-enabled. No mention in elog of when device was re-enabled. Fault 17402 indicates problem may have been resolved. Defeat was implemented to reduce number of nuisance FAS troubles. No concerns with leaving the device enabled.
Sierra Dean: 2024-09-30 11:42:59.216603
Fault report #17402
Elena Bylinskaia: 2024-09-30 04:08:20.096788
FR issued.