Interlock Defeat / Device Disable
Management System v2.0 (Driver)
Accelerator Complex:

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Interlock Defeat


2A3M20 left and right protect trip level increased
Implementation: Number:
2024-10-21 20:45:00 2024-498

Eric Chapman

Estimated Duration:
4 weeks

80uA down BL2A3 with rotating beam at 3.5mm. Beam size large on 2A3M20 in horizontal direction, as requested by Aurelia to maintain appropriate beam size.


none, defeat is informational.

XTpage 2A3P, 2A3M20 Protect Monitor Left and Right Trim limits increased from 350 to 500. 2A TW 450 and 451.

Trip occurs at higher level than typically. These values are set as demands dictate by target experts or by there historical values.