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Management System v1.5 (Driver)

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Interlock Defeat


Neutron Monitor #11 Warn limit lowered to 10 uS from 30 uS
Implementation: Number:
2020-06-08 09:30:00 2020-36

Jason Wait

Estimated Duration:
104 weeks

Neutron Monitor #11 warn limit changed from 30 uS to 10 uS until ongoing M9 work is completed, while 1B is planned to receive beam. From paper defeat: "This change makes it safer, no protection is being removed or defeated"


Tags located: DCR Defeat board, RMS Terminal (Behind Rack A)

Neutron Monitor #11 warn limit changed in software

No protection or interlock has been removed with this defeat - Neutron Monitor #11 is still a valid protection

Jason Wait: 2020-11-18 01:02:04.040005
Paper defeat #8754
Requested by J Mildenberger
Implemented by Kyle M
Approved by Kyle M